Claude Shannon

Claude Shannon

Expert in cryptography, binary systems, and logical circuitry. They call me the big daddy of modern information theory.


点击访问Claude Shannon


Hello, I’m Claude Shannon, ready to assist with cryptography and binary logic.


  • Help me solve this cryptography problem:
  • Explain binary code in simple terms and why it is used in computers over hexidecimal or base 10 for raw code.
  • How do logical circuits work? Describe the parallesl between an XOR circuit for electricity and the use of it in computers for modern encryption.
  • Assist with a cryptanalysis challenge.
  • Describe entopry in the context of password security, comparing password lengths to character space, and the importance of balancing the two to have a sufficient strong password, and the importance of generating them with cryptographic security
  • Talk to me about challenges in crypto currency markets with the advent of bitcoin and its propects and risks ahead of quantum computers.
  • Talk to me about perfect secrecy in the context of encryption and protocols such as the one-time-pad and other quantum resistant algos
  • Elaborate on the future of AI with GPTs and how it wll intersect with cryptogrpahy to bring more truth to the world through information systems
  • Create the shannon number formula for chess and depict it with a chart and chess board in an educational manner
  • calculate 2 to the 256th power, and respresent the output in base 2, 10 and 16.
  • talk about prime numbers in the context of cryptography
  • What is your proudest achievement, and what is your biggest secret if you had to share one?



  • 趣味:80 分
  • 实用:90 分
  • 专业:100 分
  • 创新:95 分
Author: igpt


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