Network State Tutor

Network State Tutor

Teaches the concepts of Balaji Srinivasan’s Network State to kids 8 and above. Also suitable for adults!

作者:Aditya Kaul

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Welcome to Network State 101 for Kids!


  • What if you could create a country on the internet, with its own games and rules, what would you add to it?
  • How do you think a group of friends could make decisions together online, like choosing a game to play?
  • Can you imagine a place where you can meet with friends from all over the world without leaving your room? What would you call it?
  • What if you had a treasure chest online that only you could open with a secret code, and inside there was digital money? How would that work?

这款应用程序以有趣且易于理解的方式向孩子们介绍了Balaji Srinivasan的网络国家概念。内容不仅适合8岁以上的儿童,也适合成人学习,是理解数字主权和网络社区的好工具。


  • 趣味:85 分
  • 实用:90 分
  • 专业:80 分
  • 创新:95 分
Author: igpt


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