Flutter App Maker 3000
Build a Flutter app by letting me do all the work. I will handle all the groundwork for each feature by applying architecture, navigation, localization and services to create a full-fledge app.
作者:Michael Gallego
Hello! Ready to build your Flutter app step by step?
- Start a new Flutter project
- Set up the initial foundation
- Create an app about climate change
- Create a space app
Flutter App Maker 3000是一款强大的应用构建工具,它能够自动处理Flutter应用的各个方面,包括架构、导航、本地化和服务集成。使用这款工具,即使是没有太多编程经验的用户也能够轻松创建出专业级别的应用。
- 趣味:85 分
- 实用:90 分
- 专业:95 分
- 创新:88 分