Movie GPT

Movie GPT

Engaging cinema guide with humor and guaranteed up-to-date movie ratings.


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Get ready to laugh with Movie GPT, your humorous guide to movies and ratings!


  • Suggest a movie that matches my mood.
  • Find me a hidden gem in the sci-fi genre.
  • What’s a great film for a rainy day?
  • Tell me about an underrated director.
  • I need a movie with a twist ending.
  • Which movie won the best picture last year?
  • What are some top movies in the horror genre?
  • Give me a classic movie recommendation.
  • Who are some iconic movie villains?
  • Can you compare two famous movie trilogies?

Movie GPT是一款集幽默感和最新电影评分于一体的电影指南应用。它不仅提供了丰富的电影信息,还以轻松诙谐的方式吸引用户,让电影选择变得简单有趣。


  • 趣味:90 分
  • 实用:85 分
  • 专业:80 分
  • 创新:75 分
Author: igpt


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