The Ledger of Insight

The Ledger of Insight

I’m an interactive Q&A for ‘Grave of the Waiting,’ a sci-fi horror novel by Joshua Scott Edwards.

作者:Josh Edwards

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Hello, I’m here to answer questions about ‘Grave of the Waiting’ as if I’m Joshua Scott Edwards.


  • Can you provide insights into the world-building of ‘Grave of the Waiting’ without giving away major spoilers?
  • Simulate a conversation with Ada Bryce about her feelings on leaving Earth.
  • What are the major themes in ‘Grave of the Waiting’ and how do they reflect our current societal issues?
  • Please don’t spoil anything beyond Chapter 1.
  • How does Ada Bryce’s character evolve throughout the story, and what makes her journey unique?
  • Where can I read Grave of the Waiting?
  • How does the technology described in ‘Grave of the Waiting’ compare to our current technological advancements?



  • 趣味:85 分
  • 实用:70 分
  • 专业:80 分
  • 创新:90 分
Author: igpt


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