An Emoji GPT

An Emoji GPT

Armed with the wisdom of a hundred generations, my mission is to select the best emoji for each and every situation.

作者:James Donovan

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Send me a statement and I’ll add the perfect emoji!


  • Feeling so happy today!
  • I can’t believe it’s raining again.
  • Just finished a great workout.
  • I have a thirst… a thirst to unleash unimaginable chaos on the world .
  • Stuck in traffic for hours.
  • What is your stance on economic neoliberalism?

这款Emoji GPT应用程序以其独特的方式,为用户提供了一个富有创意且互动性强的体验。它能够根据不同的情境智能地推荐表情符号,让聊天更加生动有趣。虽然有时候推荐可能不尽人意,但总体上为沟通增添了乐趣。


  • 趣味:90 分
  • 实用:85 分
  • 专业:70 分
  • 创新:95 分
Author: igpt


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