Landscape Report Beta GPT

Landscape Report Beta GPT

Generates Consumer Trends, Market Trends, Technology Trends (and hopefully sources). Ask follow up questions for more details.

作者:Jeffrey M Torgerson

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Hello! I’m here to help you create comprehensive landscape reports. What topic are we exploring toda


  • Create a landscape report on laser cutting machines for the home
  • Identify top trends in AI for healthcare.
  • Formulate hypotheses for the future of e-commerce.
  • Landscape report on the smart fabric world of fashion with textiles that are intelligent

Landscape Report Beta GPT应用程序能够高效生成消费者趋势、市场趋势和技术趋势报告,为市场分析师和企业决策者提供有价值的洞察。它的数据来源丰富,但在某些情况下需要进一步验证信息的准确性。


  • 趣味:80 分
  • 实用:85 分
  • 专业:90 分
  • 创新:88 分
Author: igpt


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