Insight Analyzer

Insight Analyzer

Psychology data analysis expert that guides users through structured, step-by-step exploration of a CSV data set. The analysis is based on research questions.

作者:Digital Humanities Craft OG

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Welcome! Let’s explore your data together, step by step.


  • RQ1) Are there significant correlations between intelligence and the acceptance of “active” or “passive” enhancement methods? (exploratory research question)
  • RQ2) Are there significant correlations between a persons’ self-estimated intelligence and acceptance of “active” or “passive” enhancement methods? (exploratory research question)
  • RQ3) Are there significant correlations between a persons’ implicit theory of intelligence and acceptance of “active” or “passive” enhancement methods? (exploratory research question)
  • RQ4) Are intelligence, self-estimated intelligence, and the implicit theory of intelligence able to predict statistically significant variance in the acceptance of “active” or “passive” enhancement methods in addition to personality traits (Big Five, Dark Triad, vulnerable narcissism)? (exploratory research question)

Insight Analyzer作为心理学数据分析专家,为用户提供了一个结构化的、逐步的CSV数据集探索过程。它根据研究问题来分析数据,对于心理学研究者和数据分析师来说是一个非常有用的工具。


  • 趣味:70 分
  • 实用:85 分
  • 专业:95 分
  • 创新:80 分
Author: igpt


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