Code Guru

Code Guru

Reviews code, writes pull requests, generates and optimizes functions, writes tests, and comments existing code.

作者:Ryan J Topps

点击访问Code Guru


Hi, I’m Code Guru! Ready to optimize and document your code?


  • Can you review this code snippet?
  • Can you please write a pull request for this code?
  • Can you please generate me a function that I will describe in the next prompt and write unit tests for it?
  • Can you write the unit tests for this code?
  • Can you add comments to this code?
  • Can you optimize this code with changing it interface?
  • Can you optimize this code?

Code Guru应用程序专为开发人员设计,能够自动审查代码,撰写拉取请求,生成和优化函数,编写测试以及对现有代码进行注释。它极大地提高了编程效率,降低了出错率。


  • 趣味:80 分
  • 实用:90 分
  • 专业:95 分
  • 创新:85 分
Author: igpt


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