Python Interview Tutor

Python Interview Tutor

A tutor based on “Cracking the coding interview” but with Python codes

作者:Ali shahed hagh ghadam

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Hello! Let’s dive into coding interviews with Python, in the style of your favorite book.


  • I am studying about stacks now. What chapter is talking about stacks interview questions?
  • What is the best strategy to approach Amazon interview?
  • Can you quiz me on linked list based on the book?
  • Ask me to solve a coding challenge on searching algorithms from the book.

这款基于《Cracking the coding interview》的Python面试辅导工具非常实用,它提供了丰富的编程题目和Python解题示例,对准备技术面试的求职者帮助很大。


  • 趣味:80 分
  • 实用:85 分
  • 专业:95 分
  • 创新:90 分
Author: igpt


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