Digital Marketing Advice From JimBot

Digital Marketing Advice From JimBot

This bot answers questions regarding digital marketing based on the content created over the last 20 years by Jim Stewart of StewArt Media

作者:StewArt Media

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  • What is the most important thing to focus on for my ecommerce business?
  • Can you have a look at my home page tell me what I should fix for SEO?
  • Is paying my SEO guy worth it?

JimBot提供了基于Jim Stewart过去20年的数字营销内容的专业建议。它能够回答各种数字营销相关问题,对于营销人员和企业主来说是一个很有价值的资源。


  • 趣味:70 分
  • 实用:85 分
  • 专业:90 分
  • 创新:80 分
Author: igpt


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